Saturday, November 22, 2014

Yet Another Combined Sewer Overflow in Atlanta

Yet another big public works project

Fails in less than a year (scroll down a few articles)

As an aside, I note with interest that this spill isn't more broadly reported. Who knows how many of these overflows happen with every storm in Atlanta. 

Targeted rainwater harvesting in the appropriate watershed is the fastest and least expensive method for reducing stormwater surges. Controls can be added to utilize the water before the next rain, or just put a small hole in the tank to release the water over a few days. 

If the release was from overflow, then the 5500 gallon spill could have been prevented for as little as $5000. When is Georgia going to realize that big public works projects are no longer the solution?

Why won't government incentivize property owners to install cisterns? Is it a lack of supporting federal funding? Cronyism? Lack of experience?

Rainwater is a resource, not a problem to be managed.